Rick playing at the August 16, 2014 60 Party  

Rick's 60 PARTY

Mr. B's/Boo's

Sunday, June 21, 2015
7:30 pm to 11:00 pm

** more than a birthday party...**

  Rick playing for Mitch Ryder  

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Rock On and Get Loud with Rick...It's a Party!!  

[This page has music videos of Rick's participation at the 55 Party (2010) Party with the so-called XBHS Jam Band I (Jeff Grand, Mark Pasman, Greg Manning, Bob Haskin, Irving Hordes, Dan Feinberg Bob Throneburg).]

When:  July 31, 2010 (afternoon)

Where:  Kensington Park


 Rick at the 55 Party  This was all really great, on many levels...!!! (For additional pictures and info, refer to the 55 Party webpage(s)...)


Following are several videos featuring Rick and friends The so-called (by some) "XBHS Jam Band (I)" playing at the 55 Party at Kensington Park on July 31, 2010. Rick performed with a jam band, also including Jeff Grand, Mark Pasman, Greg Manning, Bob Haskins, Irv Hordes, Dan Feinberg, Danny Feinberg and/or Bob Throneburgh (largely BHS Classes of 72/73 alums).

First song of the show... Voodoo Chile  - Having never before played together in more than 2-3 man combinations, the jam band started off with this great Jimi song, and only got better as they progressed through the seven songs, sung/led by Rick S. (click/press here or on the picture to the left)
If this picture doesn't show up, please (contact us)

Crossroads - XBHS doing the classic classic; sung by Rick S. (Unfortunately for this recording, the picnic table was left in charge of the camcorder, so the view is distant and static...) (click/press here or there)


Feelin'  pretty good myself...

Feelin' Alright - Another classic, with the jam being joined by Tom H on lead vocals. (click/press here or there)

Nice view, but rough audio... Sunshine of Your Love ...alot of fun to hear the jam band play this!...with Tom H on vocals. (click/press here or there)
Got a nice view during this song. Pride and Joy - FYI, Tom left the assemblage and this song was sung/led by Rick S.  (click/press here or there)


...bonus from the archives...picture of East Side Paint at the Grande Ballroom circa July 1972. 

 East Side Paint at the Grande Ballroom, July '72 From left to right, Rob Fennick, Rick S, Ron Fennick, Tom Haskin, Mark Pasman, Mark Mitchell